Discussion – OZ IS THE NEW BREAK

I have mentioned before that I’m a glutton for punishment. I like watching shows where the characters are in constant danger, probably because it means that I don’t warm to them as much as I would characters who live their lives in a level of comfort.

Let’s take the three big prison dramas – Oz, Orange is the New Black and Prison Break. In these shows, the characters are in constant danger, either from other characters within the prison or from prison guards or those without. I end up liking the characters, but know that, in the background, they might well die very quickly and brutally.

This causes quite a different relationship. I end up feeling that every action is futile, another step in the unending and inevitable march towards death. I end up resenting the characters. I wish that their death happens soon.

Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love characters and am saddened by their deaths and any actions that cause them pain. Quite the opposite. I consider Beecher to be one of the greatest characters on TV.

Just look at that beard. Source.

Under the orders of two of my good friends and at least one fellow blogger, I have started reading Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen. According to my Kindle, I am 6% of the way through the first book. I was told it was a slog and I was not lied to. I’m just wondering if I want to start caring for characters with such awesome names as Whiskeyjack or begin to learn the expansive and exciting lore if they’re just going to end up dead in the big war.

I don’t want an answer, by the way, I abhor spoilers, I’m just wondering aloud.

One thought on “Discussion – OZ IS THE NEW BREAK”

  1. Regardless of their fate it’s a testimony to their convincing-ness that you care enough about them to not want them to die. Pretty funny too that this in turn makes you want them to die sooner. If we weren’t talking about fictional lives here I’d have some serious concerns about your spiritual health. Either way, you should receive Jesus. : )

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